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Verifications. Loading ‘Sleda’ form the data for wanted from you period of time

1.Click on the upper icon(Detailed application) settled on the left helping line with instruments
- with the image of calendar.

2.Choose the day, and after that you have some criteria: by name, by date, by vehicle, by driver and after that according to the criteria you choose the wanted vehicle and click ‘Load the data’

3. Other way for loading data from the base is by choosing ”Detailed application” positioned on the left side with helping instruments - with that image
You have the possibility to choose among different criteria: Driver,Vehicle,Company,Region,Path.
Choose the period settlements for shoeing Short ,Middle,and Long stay,and settle the speed limits, above which violations are recognized.After that choose the interval for getting the needed information.

4.After loading the needed data ,with the help of the marked icon from the work plot (Moving)you can move the map, wherever you feel like.

5. After its choosing with the click of the left button of the mouse and movements of the map you can adjust the landscape.

Analysis of the track from the information panel: short report card, detailed card, control zones, animation, graphic, sheet, entrances, events, populated zones.
After loading the wanted track with the different menus ,you can have the information you need about the vehicle and its path.
In the menu„Short verification” is pulled out:
- information for the start and the end of the movements of the vehicle
- all the stays are calculated
- whole time of moving
- covered kilometers for the period
- average velocity of the vehicle with/without included stay.
- maximum covered speed
- covered kilometers in populated place and out of it
- the prognoses for used fuel
- maximum velocity in city and out of city conditions
- visited cities
- all made stays
- going over the speed limit ,which is adjusted from the administrator
- visited and control points
- Information from the acidometer for impact on the vehicle
In the menu “Detailed application” detailed information is showed about the movement of the vehicle, its stays, and the visited places. In the left corner is showed information about the moment situation of the vehicle (Movement, Short, Long or Middle stay), and it the fields ‘Start” and ‘Stop’ is located the information about the start and finish of the event marked in the field “Situation” In the field ‘Duration” you can see the duration of the event. In the field ‘Mileage” when crossing the limits given by the administrator it indicates the moment of the crossing and in what speed it has happened. And in the field “Object” a name will be indicated if there was a visit somewhere ,and you have the opportunity after double clicking it the field “Object” if wanted from you stay to add object for the place.
In the right with the help of the buttons you have the chance to show up only events you want to see- Violation- when choosing that option they are shown only the violations of the driver.
Long stays- choosing that option you show up all the long stays that are made.
Middle stays- choosing that option you show up all the middle stays that are made.
Short stays- choosing that option you show up all the short stays that are made.
All- after activating that option you show up all the events in chronological order
Export– non-active function at the moment.
By using menu Animation:
- You have the opportunity it visualize the movement of one or more vehicles, by watching graphic and analogical the parameters and the changes in its velocity
- The movement of all vehicles can be synchronized by time. That way it can be seen the picture and the placement of the car in every hour of the day.
- When animation just one track it can be shown at the same time when the movement is and the address.
- The animation is started with single click on the “Play” button, when after showing the animation you can stop it with single click on the “Pause” button.
Menu ‘Graphics’ visualizes the track by:
- Time and velocity;
- atitude (by standard this function is not included and additional adjustments are needed)
Menu “Sheet”
- Gives detail information for every taped dot of the track (date and hour, coordinate, velocity etc.)Double click on the situation marks the placement with animation the exact position on the map.
Menu Entrances:
- Visualizes the condition of the analogue and numeral entrances
- Draws the graphic visualizing the possible violations with the fuel
Menu Events:
- Shows additional information about the diagnostics of the device: regime of working of the power(inner, outer ,any change)downloading information ,alarming events etc.външно,
Menu Current Events:
- When active regime shows the current events of thee vehicles.
Menu Active connection:
- When shown ACTIVE CONNECTION and the assistance of all the consequences about it(input active devices, the right adding in to the system),shows in real time the position of the vehicles.
- With the aim of visualizing the mobile objects they can be separated by regional type.
- After double clicking on the wanted vehicle, a detailed information pops put about the vehicle(battery charge level, quantity of fuel)
- The chosen vehicle is visualized, and automatically the map is being rightly scaled. You have the possibility for additional menu for control for control ( which you can pull out after single click on the right button of the mouse )to choose definite device, which can be always in the center ,to be centered if visual exit, or to be visualized in Open Street Map.
Menu Populated places:
- On the loaded track the motion is detail showed in the populated places and out of them.
- It is marked the time of entering the populated place and the time of exiting it.
- The maximum reached velocity in the populated place.
- The kilometers are shown when entering the place, and when exiting.
- The average velocity is shown in the populated place.

In the menu ‘Sleda’ from the control panel, you choose ‘Verifications Sleda’В after which other menu is shown after ‘Verification’.
In it you have the possibility to choose among different types in their details, and content applications.
By choosing „Daily Applications”
- Information is send out about the vehicle. Which is made in server application
- You have the option to filtrate data for Company.Driver.Vehicle:
- You have the option to look at the einformation about Vehicle(company,driver),for wanted of you period ,by tracking the interval of time,or choose the exact day from the calendar.

- The already tracked information can be filtrated, and it can be pulled out/hidden about :Short, Middle, and Long stays.; Crossing speed limit; Visited towns; Control points.
Loaded track filtrated by criteria Short stays:

Loaded track for Long stays:

Loaded track filtrated by criteria of high speed crossing limit:
Loaded track filtrated by criteria for visited cities:
Loaded track filtrated by criteria Control zones:
By choosing „Verification”:
- Choose handout: you have the option to choose if you want to make and copy standard handout or handout with criteria.

-In the Standard verification it is graphically pulled out and in a table also, information about the time,period,velocity,and route of ,as you have the option to choose if it should be copied on a map for graphical showing of the movement.
Information Is pulled out about impact damages, and the visited control objects.
At the end, the route is graphically drawn, with information about the given parameters form the consumer for short, middle, or long stay as also about the velocity limit.

-In the verification with criteria you have the option to choose among: Short, medium, and Long verification.
-short verification is copied out with calculated stay and violations.
-When choosing Medium verification, there is a graphic for the velocity, stay (short, medium, long),control objects, populated places.
-When choosing detailed verification there is graphic for the velocity.stay,, movements,polulated places and included objects for the situation:
By choosing ‘Stay’:
Information is send out about the made stays and over limits of the speed, as you have the option to choose for the addresses about the town .neighborhood, street and number(for Sofia)

By choosing ‘Verification for movements’
Information is send out about the vehicle. time of movement in and out of work time ,and all the made violations:
By using “Road sheet”, information is sent out about the movement of the vehicle in the chosen time interval.

By choosing “Control Zones”, information is send out about visited objects and missed by objects (typed in by the consumer)
When you have the option to choose from the different control points, routes, and all control points for different interval time :
By choosing “verification numerous entrances(detailed one): Information is send out from active numeral